🪐Welcome to Cantina

Cantina is a marketplace application for web3 security solutions incubated by Spearbit that enables

  1. Organizations to easily book and customize security services.

  2. Security Researchers to offer and conduct efficient security reviews.

The Cantina platform comprises several key components, each specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of our users:

  • Services tailored to satisfy the security needs of our clients.

  • Cantina Code, our code review platform built intentionally for individuals, teams, and code review recipients to communicate effectively and perform the relevant review actions necessary from scoping down to finding submissions. Cantina Code also operates as a communication hub for security researchers to directly communicate with clients and organize their schedules, messages, and any other logistics adjacent to the code review itself.

  • Cantina Accounts for clients and security researchers facilitating project management, scheduling and payments.

  • Reputation mechanisms to support Security Researchers in building a sustainable career and capture business opportunities.

Improving the Security Review experience

The Cantina experience is designed by security researchers for security researchers. We deeply understand the obstacles that interfere in a successful security review process and built a platform that provides a streamlined workflow for all parties involved. Gathering ideas from our own experience at Spearbit, Cantina will integrate both the utility and reduce obstacles that make the reviewing process slower.

Many of these inefficiencies are being tackled throughout the growth of Cantina, which seeks to solve issues like

  • Lack of dedicated review platforms.

  • Fractured communication.

  • Lack of review process automation.

We are building Cantina Code so that the main focus of the security researcher is purely the code base itself, where every other aspect surrounding the security review from an operational standpoint is optimized so that they can put their absolute best foot forward.

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