🔶Diagrams & Formulas

Cantina Code supports diagramming libraries such as Mermaid.js and MathJax for mathematical formula rendering. Paired with a well written finding or comment, these tools allow you to visually and efficiently communicate your point to the reader.

Mermaid Diagram

The following code block

    participant Bank
    participant Attacker

    Attacker->>+Bank: Request withdrawal
    Bank->>+Attacker: Transfer funds
    Attacker->>+Bank: Request withdrawal (reentry)
    Bank->>+Attacker: Transfer funds (reentry)
    Bank-->>-Attacker: Insufficient balance

when introduced as a comment will display as illustrated in the image below.

MathJax Formulas

Cantina Comments also render MathJax formulas. The following code block

H_{f} = \frac {\sum Collateral_{i}\;in\;ETH  \times  Liquidation\;Threshold}{Total\;Collateral\;in\;ETH} 

when introduced inside a comment will render as such

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